Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Little about me


“You may be wondering about my life and art. Here is a very brief introduction.

I began painting on the wall next to my crib with whatever materials came to hand. I imagine myself holding onto the crib bar with one hand and exploring mural painting with the other. It seemed OK with my parents (my mother is a very fine artist), so I was encouraged, and 64 years later am still making pictures.

My inner eye is always searching for new discoveries. When I sit down to make pictures there is a sense of adventure and mystery. “What will I find in there today?”

I start with simple motifs, such as flowers, hummingbirds, and butterflies. They inspire me with beauty and life energy. I place the motifs on my “light canvas” and begin to develop the color and space of my inner vision around the motifs. My way of working feels musical. There is a pulse and a song in it.

Like many artists, after a life of working in painting and photography, I now delight in what can be achieved with digital tools.

My process of working with an image may be complete in a few hours or may extend over years. Sometimes I will “finish” a picture and come back to it years later for further development in a new direction.

When I find something valuable, and am able to express it, I feel grateful and satisfied. I then choose to make prints of some of my images in limited and open editions.

The cycle is complete when I receive responses from people who own my art. I especially like comments like this one:

“l like your pictures, really beautiful colours and motives that make you calm inside when you look at them…”

Thank you for your interest in my work.”

Personal Spaces

The Personal Space-

In today's life there are many spaces, office spaces, living spaces, spaces for entertaining, spaces for cooking . . .

These spaces all are meant to be, more or less inhabited and shared with other people they have a social dimension. You may find people there, and you may invite people in.

These spaces are designed to be shared.

Perhaps you have a space that is just for you, a space designed to reflect you to yourself.

It can be a space where you come when struggling with a difficult challenge, for a 15 or 30 minute break. When I go there I get physically grounded again, clear headed, relaxed. I come home to myself.

People like to use their personal spaces in many ways. I like to dream, reflect, and mull things over. I let my mind wander and drift, float free. I like to just be in a space that supports me.

Here is a MANDALA called "Contemplation". It is an opening flower form in warm grays with hints of subtle color. The effect is calming and opening leading to quiet reflection and renewal.
