Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Opening, A Finished Work?

I finished ? this late last night.

It evolved from the earlier version of the picture that I posted yesterday. I am finding openings into wider feeling places by working with this image. I may do some more experimentation with value and color, which may yield new surprises. I think I won't add any more motif. When I tried to add other elements the picture seemed to reject them.

As I was working, I recalled a conversation that I had that morning with a friend. He was telling me about a moment when he learned that his son died in a car accident. He was at a spiritual congress at the time, many miles away. A couple of men that were there took him aside at that moment and suggested that they receive about his son in the spiritual exercise. He received some understanding and comfort about the continuing journey of his son's soul.

When he told me this, I had a feeling of release into a wider space in my feelings, that flickered in and out as I worked on this

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