Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cave Painting section at Dunhua, and "Dreaming Deer"

I was inspired by an ancient running dear motif from the caves of China at Dunhua at a time when the light of Buddha was making it's way along the silk road from India into northern China. There's an inner light emerging in human awareness and finding it's outer light in these symbols, which, for me, still hover at the boundary where dream images meet waking awareness.

I convey this by floating the images in front of the wall with shadows and other visual cues which are read directly, bypassing our symbol encoding and translating processes of or thinking. I made the "wall" from a piece of copper oxidized rock that I got in Colorado, which give the lovely greenish flow patterns and patina in the print..

In Dream Consciousness pictures, such as this one, visual cues are used which confound waking sense, such as "light shadows" , simultaneous front and back lighting, and creating a subtle spherical surface on which the deer run, projecting out from the cave wall.

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